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Why do dogs bark? Our friends at PetMD posted an explanation of barks. We all know our dogs bark for someone’s at the door, the dog down the street went by and so on. Read the article and see if your dogs bark fall into the their categories.
Why Do Dogs Bark
Profile picture for user Dr. Monica Tarantino
Monica Tarantino, DVM
Updated: November 30, 2020
Published: January 08, 2020
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Recent research shows that the domesticating of dogs began between 20,000-40,000 years ago. In that period of time, dogs have learned how to understand large vocabularies, compound sentences, and upwards of 1,000 words if trained properly.
Like us, dogs use verbal and nonverbal cues to communicate. For dogs, barking is a completely normal behavior—it’s one of the most effective ways dogs know how to communicate with their owners.
They use barking to communicate a variety of feelings, so in order to fully understand what a dog is communicating, pet parents need to contextualize a dog’s verbal cues within their nonverbal cues (dog body language).
7 Reasons Why Dogs Bark
To help you understand what your dog may be trying to say , here’s a breakdown of the most common reasons dogs bark.
Excitement Barks
Does your dog bark when you come home, or start barking when they hear the familiar sound of you getting their leash? Well, those are barks of excitement.
In fact, yipping and yowling is one of the ways that packs of dogs will communicate excitement to one another. These barks are typically high-pitched or midrange in sound, and your dog will let out about one or two intermittently until the excitement has dwindled.
The barks will often be accompanied by a wagging tail and an alert—but happy—body position (ears perked and head held higher).
It’s also common for them to spin in circles or quickly tap their feet. This indicates their excitement and should communicate to you: let’s get going!
Attention- and Food-Seeking Barks
When a dog wants to get your attention, they may bark at you. This type of barking tends to be a long string of single barks with pauses between them.
Depending on the dog and the situation, they may be asking you to go for a walk or to feed them.
Often, their body language is less energetic and relaxed. Their tails may be straight or wagging, with their ears down/natural or at attention.
However, be careful with this type of barking. If they are barking to get treats, for example, and they get what they want when they bark, it teaches them that their barking is effective. Then your dog might bark all the time to get treats.
Barking From Boredom
When dogs are bored, they may bark to get your attention or to try to engage you in playtime.
If a dog is not mentally and physically stimulated as he should be, destructive behaviors may develop. Daily walks, dog puzzles, quality time, and doggy day care can help prevent boredom. Some clever dogs will bring an object as an obvious hint, such as a ball or a leash.
These playtime-seeking barks are usually those “harrr-ruff” barks that you hear your dog do. They are typically lower and happen singularly.
Similar to attention-seeking behavior, the body posture can include having their ears drawn back with their tail straight out, or they could display neutral positioning.
In some cases, a dog may lower themselves into a play bow (front legs down with their bottom in the air) to signify they are ready to play.
Fear, Anxiety, or Territorial Barking
Defensive barking is often heard when there is a clear stimulus—such as a strange person approaching the home, another dog being nearby, or being trapped in a position with no clear escape route.
These barks will usually be deeper and may have a growl associated with them. They will also be fairly continuous and incessant. This is your dog’s way of saying, “hey, what’s this? We need to be at the ready for a problem.”
For anxious/fearful dogs, their body language will usually include a tail between the legs, hackles raised, and low head posture.
If it’s just territorial barking, then the body posture may include having the ears and head at attention and the tail straight. This is the dog’s way of indicating that they are larger and may bite.
In both scenarios, the dog’s body will be tense.
Pain Barking
Dogs will bark when they are in pain. This communicates to their pack to come to their aid or to indicate that a certain behavior is causing pain and they want it to stop.
This type of barking is commonly seen when an animal gets accidentally bumped during rough play or when they’re attacked by another animal.
The bark may sound higher pitched and often has a staccato quality, or trails off as the bark goes on.
If your dog barks like this when you touch or pet them, something may be hurting or they may be anticipating pain from being touched. This is a sign to take your pup to the vet to see what’s wrong.
Reactive or Surprise Barking
This is often a singular bark, but it can be followed by more barking. It is also typically higher in pitch to reflect surprise. As with humans, it’s a mostly involuntary response to being surprised or spooked.
You may hear this if you walk up to a dog that wasn’t paying attention or has poor hearing, or if they think they see something move quickly in the grass.
This bark may be uncontrolled, and the body posture can vary, as they weren’t likely prepared to bark in the first place.
Barking Due to Canine Dementia
When some dogs get older, they will bark at night or at something that does not appear to be there. This may be a sign of cognitive dysfunction in an older animal.
The bark seems to come in response to nothing and may resolve without any identifiable reason.
If you notice your older dog barking into a corner or at a wall during the night, make an appointment with your veterinarian to see if there are steps you can take to make them more comfortable.
Always Take Dog Body Language Into Account
There are many more reasons why dogs bark aside from these common barking scenarios that you’ll likely encounter.
The key to understanding your dog’s barking is to look at their body language and then for the stimulus causing the bark.
In some cases, unwanted barking can be avoided by just understanding why they are barking and making simple adjustments around the house or in your routine.
By: Dr. Monica Tarantino, DVM

Separation anxiety

A topic we are all to familiar with. Our friends at PetMD posted this article addressing this very difficult disorder.

How to Manage Clingy Dog Behavior

Profile picture for user Dr. Joanna Pendergrass

JoAnna Pendergrass, DVMUpdated: May 27, 2020Published: May 15, 2019Share this:FacebookTwitterPinterest

Does your dog always follow you around when you’re at home? Does your dog insist on never leaving your side, even when it’s time for you to take a shower? Does your dog constantly look at you with rapt attention, as if he can’t possibly look at anything else?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, it’s likely that you have a clingy dog. Although clingy dog behavior can be endearing, it can also be annoying, especially when your dog just won’t leave you alone—even for a minute!

Clinginess can frustrate pet parents. However, it can also signal a bigger behavioral problem: separation anxiety. Learn how to differentiate between a clingy dog and a dog with separation anxiety so you know how to best manage the behavior.

Why Are Some Dogs Clingy?

Clinginess is often a learned dog behavior. Dogs learn this behavior from us by how we interact with them. If we always give our dogs food when they follow us into the kitchen, or pet them every time they lie next to us, we’re teaching them that following us leads to some type of reward.

If we give puppies constant attention when they’re developing, they can become fearful of being alone and subsequently never want to leave our side. Dogs can also become clingy if we change their daily routine.

Older dogs with vision or hearing loss, or who are experiencing cognitive decline, can suddenly become clingy because their world is becoming unfamiliar to them. Dogs who are ill or bored can also become clingy.

Interestingly, dogs can also become clingy if they sense our stress or anxiety. And dogs who have anxiety issues of their own often develop clingy dog behaviors.

As if all of these reasons weren’t enough, some dog breeds are prone to clinginess. For example, lapdogs, like Shih Tzus, tend be needy dogs. Also, working dogs, who are trained to be dependent, can become clingy.

Clinginess vs. Separation Anxiety

Clinginess and separation anxiety are similar but not exactly the same. Generally, what separates them is how a dog reacts to being away from their owner.

Clingy dogs want to be around you when you’re at home, but they don’t panic when you’re not there. A dog with separation anxiety panics when you’re not around.

Separation anxiety causes dogs to engage in destructive, anxious behavior when left alone. Such behavior includes incessant whining, pacing, destructive chewing, and urinating or defecating in the home.

Clinginess becomes a problem when it progresses to separation anxiety. If a clingy dog starts becoming anxious or panicky when left alone, it’s time to suspect separation anxiety and seek professional behavioral help.

veterinary behaviorist can help you implement behavioral modifications to reduce the anxiety. Fortunately, not all clingy dogs develop separation anxiety.

How to Make a Dog Less Clingy

If you have a clingy dog without separation anxiety, there are ways you can teach them how to become more independent. Here are several strategies that can help reduce a dog’s clinginess.

  • Increase exercise. A good bout of physical activity will tire your dog enough to where he has little interest in following you around.
  • Stimulate their mind. A bored dog may become clingy because he doesn’t have anything better to do. Dog interactive toys, such as the Nina Ottosson by Outward Hound dog brick interactive toy and the Omega Paw tricky treat ballkeep dogs mentally stimulated and encourage independent play.
  • Create a special space. Set up a space with your dog’s bed and favorite dog toys where your dog can go instead of following you around. Train your dog to go to this area with a cue like, “Go to your special space,” and immediately reward them with a treat when they go there.
  • Desensitize your dog to your movements. Your dog has probably associated certain movements (e.g., going to the kitchen, grabbing your keys) with you rewarding or leaving them. To “normalize” these movements, practice doing them without the intended effect. For example, go to the kitchen and start sweeping or grab your keys and turn on the TV. Eventually, your dog will learn that your movements don’t warrant much or any attention.

Consult with your veterinarian before trying these strategies at home. Also, if these strategies do not reduce your dog’s clinginess, consider consulting with either your veterinarian or a veterinary behaviorist for further guidance.

By: Dr. JoAnna Pendergrass, DVM

Featured Image: Khaikaew

A great day

I was so happy with the kids today. Trixie has never been a car dog but she’s getting used to my truck and she got into it all by herself. Telling her we’re going someplace and she got into the truck. Rudy was already there he’s like yeah I’m in so ready. My sister brought out her dog peanut who needed his nails cut so I had made arrangements and he got his nails cut at my vet. Of course they take peanut in and Rudy and Trixie are beside themselves like oh my gosh freaking out but you know dogs can smell they that even though we’re in the car they know the know where we are….the vets. Peanut goes in and they are thinking they are next. He comes out and then we’re all good and guess what’s next-door a Starbucks. So you know we have to go to Starbucks because there is a pupa chino waiting for three dogs. We drive through all of the dogs orders are obvious, before we know ourselves what we are getting. We head home and on the way my girlfriend text me she’s at the park which is our local park by my house were the dogs go to and can leash free, go crazy and play ball so we head over there. I want the kids to know the truck is a good thing. My sister who is out because her car was in the shop gets a call to come pick the car up. It’s about 5 o’clock so we load up and Trixie did amazing just knowing she was going into the truck she got in by herself. We loaded up and drove to the dealership and then home. The kids are happy Trixie is laying in the backseat. It was a really good day because Trixie doesn’t like the truck but she’s getting used to it – I mention that earlier. I really wanted to show her that when she’s in the car there are good things that happened so it was a really good day

Why do Cats climb trees?

Why Do Cats Get Stuck in Trees?

From our friends at PetMD

As a species, cats are known for their grace, agility and athleticism. However, there is one physical feat with which many cats have struggled—getting down after they climb a tree.

Why does a cat climbing a tree have so much trouble descending?

Why Do Cats Climb Trees in the First Place?
Katenna Jones, an associate certified applied animal behaviorist, certified cat behavior consultant and owner of Jones Animal Behavior in Warwick, Rhode Island, says that cats are an interesting species from a behavioral perspective because they can be predators to small creatures while being vulnerable to larger animals.

“You see behaviors at both ends of the predator/prey spectrum. So, as skilled hunters, they may chase their prey up a tree without realizing what they’ve gotten themselves into. On the other side of the coin, cats tend to go high when they feel threatened. So if a cat feels his life is in danger, he would very likely run up a tree, which offers safety and a vantage point,” explains Jones.

That said, Jones notes that looking too deeply into a cat’s reasons for climbing a tree might be a moot point. “Cats may also climb trees because they can and it’s fun,” she says.

Why Do They Get Stuck?
It’s really easy for cats to climb trees—cat claws are the ideal tools for propelling them upwards. But once they’re up high, they’ll find that getting down is much more difficult than getting up.

“A cat in a tree may have trouble coordinating their hind and front feet when they try to back down. It’s just not a movement cats normally do,” says Susan Bulanda, a canine and feline ethologist, author, and search and rescue trainer who lives in Maryland.

Bulanda adds that most cats jump from high places rather than climb down. “Think about it. When your cat climbs the couch, does she climb down? Or does she jump? Almost always, I would say jump. When cats climb trees, oftentimes it’s just too high to jump down and that’s why they get stuck.”

Dr. Myrna Milani, a veterinarian, consultant, teacher and author based in Charlestown, New Hampshire, says that in some cases, the ability to get down might not be the problem. “Sometimes, when a cat is ‘stuck’ in a tree, he’s really too scared to climb or jump down. It may be because something chased him up there, or he’s not used to being outside,” she explains.

Dr. Milani also notes that indoor cats that have been declawed are at greater risk of getting stuck in a tree if they manage to get outside. Declawed cats are unable to climb as well, but they can still climb. “These cats are at a big disadvantage when it comes to getting down from a tree. If they’re scared, they can get up without much issue, but coming down is nearly impossible.”

What To Do If A Cat Is Stuck in a Tree
While the old cartoons and TV shows tend to depict hysterical cat owners calling the fire department when their cat gets stuck in a tree, that is very much an exaggerated reaction.

Dr. Milani says the number one priority is keeping calm. “Standing under the tree where your cat is stuck and sobbing isn’t going to help anyone,” she says. “Stay calm and relaxed, because you don’t want to make your cat more agitated.”

Here are a few strategies that you can use to help get your cat out of a tree.

Lure Her With Food

As noted earlier, some cats that are “stuck” are simply choosing not to come down out of fear or for other cat-related reasons. Dr. Milani recommends putting out some of his favorite cat food that could entice your kitty to come down from his perch. Warming up some wet food slightly will increase the aroma so that you can coax cats down from the tree faster in most cases.

“In some areas, this would run the risk of attracting other animals, so if you’re going this route, I would suggest hanging out under the tree near the food. Bring a book and just relax, because that will show your cat that it’s okay to come down,” says Dr. Milani.

Climb Up After Her

Both Jones and Bulanda mention this option with a very big caveat—only climb up after the cat if you’re physically able, and never do it without assistance. “You must always have someone on the ground as a spotter,” Bulanda says. “That way, if you fall, or something else happens, there’s another person who can get help.”

Jones emphasizes that people should only attempt to retrieve the cat themselves if the cat is relatively calm and trusts them. “A stranger might scare the cat into a more dangerous situation,” she says.

Jones also notes that contacting a local roofing, painting, contracting, pest control or electric company could be helpful. “They might have an extra-long ladder to borrow.”

Make a Ramp

“Depending on the tree and how high your cat climbed, you might be able to use a sturdy board as a ramp to give the cat an easy route down,” Bulanda says. “This strategy is much less risky to you and less risky to the cat than climbing up after him.”

Call for Help

If the cat is too agitated, too high up, or you’re otherwise unable to rescue her yourself, it’s time to consult with professionals. “Call your local animal shelter or rescue. They probably have advice or helpful resources on hand,” Bulanda says.

By Kate Hughes

Dogs and Squeaky toys

From our friends at PetMD.

Why Do Dogs Like Squeaky Toys?

Profile picture for user Dr. Manette M. Kohler
Manette M. Kohler, DVM
Updated: January 04, 2021
Published: May 15, 2020
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Just the sheer number of toy options for dogs is a clear indicator that dogs love toys. There are toys that bounce, toys that fly, toys for chewing, toys for tugging, and, probably the most interesting of all, toys that squeak.

What is it about squeaky toys that gets dogs so excited and engaged?

While we can’t read dogs’ minds or ask them why they find squeaky toys so alluring, we can observe their body language and behavior to form a few viable theories.

First, we’ll need to take a look at why dogs like to play and the types of play they seem to enjoy.

Why Do Dogs Play?
Something that people have in common with dogs is that we love to play. “Our unique relationship with dogs is, in part, a result of our mutual love of play,” says Certified Applied Animal Behaviorists Patricia McConnell, PhD, and Karen London, PhD, authors of “Play Together, Stay Together: Happy and Healthy Play Between People and Dogs.”

Retaining this juvenile trait, “the love of play,” into adulthood is an example of neoteny. According to Dr. McConnell and Dr. London, it’s unusual for most adult animals to play with any regularity, although a few exceptions exist.1

Through the process of domestication in dogs, we’ve selected for the retention of the desire to play, which contributes to our emotionally based bond with dogs.

Types of Play
Dogs typically engage in social play and solitary play.

Social play involves a partner, which might be another dog, a human, or another species of animal. Solitary play often involves objects such as toys.

In a 2015 study by Bradshaw, Pullen, and Rooney, they examined the playfulness of adult dogs. They discuss how play behavior is usually made up of motor patterns characteristic of predatory, agonistic, and courtship behavior.2

They state that solitary play with objects resembles predatory behavior, both in form and motivation, and that the preferred toys are those that can be dismembered.

The Allure of the “Squeak”
While some dogs don’t particularly care for squeaky toys, the vast majority do seem to really love them.

Why are they so drawn to these types of toys? Is it that the sound reminds them of scared or injured prey, thus tapping into their “wild” side? Are they positively reinforced by us for engaging with squeaky toys? Or, is it just plain old fun?

Here are three theories that can help you understand the squeak appeal.

Prey-Drive Theory

Wolves, the ancestors of domestic dogs, were hunters that had to rely on catching prey to live. Today, dogs still have these inherent prey drives, although some more than others.

During the domestication process, various traits have been enhanced in different breeds. Does this affect how a dog plays?

A 2017 study by Mehrkam et al. looked at the influence of breed on social and solitary play in dogs. They chose adult dogs from working lines (retrievers, herders, and livestock-guarding dogs).

Of the three breed types, they found that overall, retrievers and herders were significantly more likely to engage in solitary play (i.e., with toys) than livestock-guarding dogs.3

However, they also found that social play levels did not differ significantly across breed types.

While this study didn’t specifically look at “squeaky toy” play, another study (Pullen, Merrill, Bradshaw, 2010) found that dogs had more interest in playing with toys that can be easily chewed and/or made a noise.4

Again, we wonder, does the squeaky noise stimulate dogs at an instinctive level? Many sources suggest that this is the case, but it has not been proven through studies as of yet.

Human Reinforcement Theory

Another theory is that pet parents are somehow reinforcing the play behavior in dogs. In other words, dogs notice that we give them more attention when they play with a squeaky toy. Dogs are masters at figuring out what gets our attention (and it’s hard to ignore a squeaky toy).

The Mehrkam, et al. study found that across all breeds, higher levels of play were seen when human attention was a factor as well as a moving toy (like throwing a ball for the dog). It makes sense that by interacting with our dog during toy play, we can increase their interest in the toy.

However, I believe it’s a case of mutual reinforcement. I’ve never come across a human that can pick up a squeaky toy without squeezing it to make it squeak, me included.

We just can’t resist it, and we like the response we get from dogs when we squeak the toy, thus reinforcing the squeezing action.

“Just Plain Fun” Theory

Doing something that elicits an entertaining response is just plain fun and enjoyable. It stands to reason that dogs enjoy squeaky toys because it’s fun to bite down and get an interesting sound.

It’s not just toys that elicit the squeaking sounds that dogs like. Many dogs also love toys that grunt or make other noises.

Dogs engage in behaviors that are reinforced or rewarded, which is why we repeat “fun” things. They are self-reinforcing.

Moving about, playing, and exercising, both with a toy and/or with us, also triggers the release of happy hormones (serotonin, dopamine, endorphins, oxytocin).

What If Your Dog Doesn’t Like Squeaky Toys?
If your dog doesn’t like squeaky toys, or toys in general, are they abnormal? Not at all.

Dogs are individuals, like us, and they have likes and dislikes. Some dogs prefer tug toys or flying discs, and some dogs don’t like toy play at all, and that’s okay.

Some dogs engage their new squeaky toy with reckless abandon and don’t stop until they’ve disemboweled the toy and removed the squeaker with the precision of a surgeon. Others leave their toy intact and functional for years.

For my dog, part of the fun of getting a squeaky toy seems to be that he gets to engage in the entertaining challenge of getting the squeaker out of the toy.

My guess is that, as is the case for all behavior, it is a combination of genetics (perhaps prey drive and neoteny?), rewarding behaviors, and just plain old fun that drives the zest with which dogs engage their squeaky toys.


1.McConnell P, London K. (2008). Play Together, Stay Together. Black Earth, WI: McConnell Publishing, Ltd.

2.Bradshaw JWS, Pullen AJ, Rooney NJ. Why do adult dogs ‘play’? Behavioural Processes. 2015 January; 110: 82-87.

3.Mehrkam LR, Hall NJ, Haitz C, Wynne C. The influence of breed and environmental factors

Head Pressing in cats

How to Treat Head Pressing in Cats

An article from our friends at PetMD

Profile picture for user Dr. Katy Nelson
Katy Nelson, DVM
Updated: January 22, 2021
Published: June 02, 2015

By Dr. Katy Nelson, DVM

If you’ve noticed your cat exhibiting a behavior called head pressing, it’s important to visit your veterinarian immediately to determine the underlying cause of the problem.

Head pressing is the compulsive act of pressing the head against a wall or other surface relentlessly, for no apparent reason. It is different than head butting, a perfectly normal behavior where a cat rubs or bumps its head against a human or inanimate object as a sign of affection. Head pressing is generally a sign of damage to the nervous system, which may result from a number of underlying problems.

Medication, Surgery or Diet: The method of treatment for this behavior is dependent on the veterinarian’s diagnosis of the underlying cause of the behavior. Treatment should not be performed until a diagnosis has been reached.
What to Expect at the Vet’s Office

In order to determine the underlying cause of the head pressing behavior, your veterinarian will likely perform a fundic examination of the retina (the layer of the eye that receives and processes images) and other structures in the back of the eye. This may reveal irregularities in the brain, or infectious or inflammatory diseases.

Other helpful tests include blood pressure (the amount of pressure applied by the blood on the arteries) measurements to determine if your cat has high blood pressure, and computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of the brain.

Your veterinarian will also perform bloodwork and a urinalysis, which could reveal a problem with the metabolic system, or help determine if there are any toxins in the system.

You should be prepared to provide a comprehensive history of your cat’s health, including when the symptoms began and what incidents may have preceded the condition. Be sure to inform your vet of any other symptoms that accompany the head pressing. Common symptoms include abnormal vocalization, compulsive pacing and circling, changes in learned (trained) behavior, seizures, damaged reflexes, disorientation, and visual impairment. These symptoms may lead to physical problems such as sores on the feet from compulsive pacing, or injuries to the face or head from pressing the head against a surface for an extended period of time.

Once your veterinarian has performed the appropriate tests and analyzed your cat’s symptoms, he or she will make a diagnosis. Some of the common problems that could be causing the head pressing are:

prosencephalon disease (characterized by damage to the forebrain and thalamus (the part of the diencephalons that is responsible for the transmission of sensory impulses)
toxic poisoning
metabolic or glandular conditions
a primary or secondary tumor (one located in the brain or elsewhere in the body)
an infection of the nervous system (such as rabies or a fungal infection)
acute head trauma (such as from a car accident)
What to Expect At Home

The next steps for treatment and care are dependent upon your veterinarian’s ultimate diagnosis of the underlying cause of the head pressing. Each disease or ailment will require a different method of treatment. In most cases, your veterinarian will recommend follow-up neurological examinations to monitor the progress of the condition.

Questions to Ask Your Vet

With neurological conditions, symptoms that seem unrelated may be linked to one another. Be sure to ask your vet about any and all unusual behaviors or symptoms your cat exhibits, as they might play a critical role in making the diagnosis.

Possible Complications to Watch For

Talk to your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your cat’s condition or symptoms.

Image: Katerina Maksymenko / Shutterstock

CBD for cats

CBD for cats

I don’t have cats but whether it’s a dog or cat there is mixed opinions on CBD and animals. Our friends at PetMD posted this article. With my dogs I have had positive having seen a change and negative being no change at all.

If you have experience with it let us know.

Is CBD Safe for Cats?

Profile picture for user Dr. Jennifer Coates
Jennifer Coates, DVM
Updated: July 23, 2020
Published: September 09, 2019
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CBD has taken the pet world by storm; however, scientific research on the impacts of CBD on dogs and cats is still in its infancy—especially for cats.

Let’s look at what cat parents should consider before giving their cats CBD oil or CBD cat treats.

What Is CBD?
CBD stands for cannabidiol, and it’s the second most common active ingredient found in the cannabis plant.

While CBD is present in all cannabis plants, it’s primarily derived from the hemp plant—which a recent study defines as, “Cannabis sativa with a total THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) less than 0.3% dry weight in leaves and buds.”

It is also important to note, that legally, a hemp plant cannot contain more than 0.3% THC or else it is considered a Schedule I controlled substance (illegal narcotic).

Unlike hemp oil and hemp seed oil, CBD is extracted from the stalks, leaves and buds—not just one part of the plant.

Has Research Been Done on CBD for Cats?
As far as I’m aware, no scientific studies have been published regarding the use of CBD with cats.

So, as is often the case, we’re left to interpret research results in dogs, people and other animals combined with anecdotal evidence to try to determine if giving CBD to cats is a good idea.

Research on CBD Use in Dogs and People

Recent studies indicate that CBD can help relieve pain and promote activity in dogs with osteoarthritis and can reduce seizure frequency in cases of severe epilepsy.

The fact that CBD has been shown to help dogs with epilepsy correlates nicely with the 2018 US Food and Drug Administration approval of the human CBD medication Epidiolex for the treatment of certain types of childhood epilepsy.

Other common uses of CBD for which there is at least some supportive scientific evidence (in people or non-feline animal models) include inflammatory conditions—like inflammatory bowel disease—as well as asthma, anxiety, pain and nausea.

So, Is CBD Safe for Cats?
Based on reports from veterinarians and pet parents, CBD itself appears, on the surface, to be very safe for cats.

Some people report that their pets become sleepy or develop upset tummies, particularly when given very high doses, but these problems resolve when CBD is discontinued or the dose is lowered.

A Word of Warning About CBD for Cats
Although CBD gets good reviews from pet parents, there is one big problem with the use of CBD in cats: an almost complete lack of regulatory oversight.

This lack of oversight has resulted in a wide availability of low-quality CBD products.

One study tested CBD products and found that many have little—if any—CBD. Or they have more CBD than is reported on the label.

Studies have also found that some CBD products contain potentially harmful contaminants.

This is especially concerning for cats because of their increased sensitivity to medications and toxins.

How to Find Safe CBD for Cats
If you choose to try CBD for your cat, here are a few ways that you can protect your pets from poor-quality CBD:

Find products that carry the Certified Seal of the U.S. Hemp Authority™ or the National Animal Supplements Council (NASC) Quality Seal, as these meet industry-imposed standards and have passed a third-party audit.

Use only products that are designed for cats or that contain just CBD oil—and maybe a benign carrier like hemp oil, coconut oil or MCT oil.

Talk to an experienced veterinarian. The American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association provides a “Find a Vet” tool on its website if your veterinarian is unable to help.

By: Jennifer Coates, DVM

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CBD for dogs

There are the pro and con thoughts on CBD and dogs – animals. I’ve had both positive being seeing an improvement in movement and negative being no signs of change. Maybe it’s how it is given treat, oral etc. our friends at PetMD article is below.

CBD for Dogs: Everything You Need to Know

Profile picture for user Dr. Matthew Everett Miller
Matthew Everett Miller, DVM
Updated: May 27, 2020
Published: April 21, 2017
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Reviewed and updated for accuracy on March 3, 2020 by Dr. Matthew Everett Miller, DVM

In certain states, medical marijuana is an option for people seeking relief from ailments like seizures, pain, anxiety, and cancer.

Pet parents and veterinarians alike are naturally wondering whether cbd for dogs, in the form of products such as cbd oil for dogs or cbd dog treats, can provide the same benefits.

Here’s everything you need to know about CBD for dogs.

THC vs. CBD for Dogs
CBD is one of over 80 different chemical compounds called “cannabinoids” that have been derived from the cannabis (marijuana) plant. Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), perhaps the most famous cannabinoid, CBD is not psychoactive.

Instead, CBD shares important metabolic pathways with a class of drugs called NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like ibuprofen and Rimadyl. These pathways control many processes in the body, from inflammatory responses to blood clotting.

Do not give dogs straight marijuana or any product containing tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the primary psychoactive component of marijuana. There is simply not enough research to justify the use.

CBD-based products, however, may help improve your dog’s quality of life when used in conjunction with other therapies.

Why Use CBD for Dogs?
CBD is often mentioned as a useful therapy for a variety of conditions, including pain management, arthritis, anxiety, seizures, and even cancer. Although the use of CBD in treating each of these conditions is under-researched, there are varying levels of scientific evidence for each scenario.


Because CBD shares metabolic pathways with anti-inflammatory drugs, it makes sense that it would help with certain inflammatory conditions (anything that ends with -itis is an inflammatory condition).

Osteoarthritis, often abbreviated as arthritis, is one of the most common inflammatory conditions in dogs.

One in four dogs will be diagnosed with arthritis in their lifetime, and by some estimates, as many as 60% of dogs exhibit some degree of the disease.

Research has shown that CBD can provide substantial pain relief in dogs with arthritis when given twice daily at appropriate doses.


In theory, the anti-inflammatory benefit seen in arthritic dogs could also be seen in dogs with other types of inflammatory pain, especially back pain from intervertebral disc disease (IVDD).

Preliminary studies in people have shown that combo products containing both CBD and THC are more beneficial for pain relief than when either drug is given alone. But no such research has been done on dogs, so THC should not be given to them.


Seizures are probably the most-studied application of CBD in people, but limited research exists for pets. In dogs, seizures can be caused by a vast number of underlying conditions.

With regards to idiopathic epilepsy specifically, there is some research that suggests that CBD could be useful in reducing seizure frequency in these dogs. However, these benefits are only seen with dogs that are given traditional anti-seizure medications at the same time.


Like seizures, the term “cancer” is an umbrella term that refers to an extremely diverse set of specific diseases, each with their own set of beneficial treatments.

In people, CBD has been studied for possible use in cancer patients, both to treat the tumor(s) directly, as well as to treat the secondary symptoms of cancer and chemotherapy. Very limited research has been done on the use of CBD for dogs with cancer.

However, the anti-nausea effects of CBD seen in people who undergo chemotherapy have also been documented in rats and ferrets, suggesting that dogs receiving chemotherapy may benefit from CBD treatment.


Perhaps the biggest misconception is that CBD is useful in managing a dog’s anxiety. In theory, it is possible that CBD, by reducing pain and inflammation, could indirectly reduce anxiety caused by pain or inflammation.

But because CBD is not psychoactive, it is unlikely that CBD has the ability to directly treat canine anxiety in the way that Prozac and other medications do. The use of CBD for anxiety in dogs, as with most conditions, requires substantially more research.

Potential Risks of CBD for Dogs
Overall, CBD itself seems to be incredibly safe in dogs and cats. However, numerous scientific papers have found that when given at the recommended doses, CBD does cause an elevation in an important liver value on bloodwork called alkaline phosphatase (ALP).

We are not yet sure whether the elevation of this liver value has any medical significance. It could signify that CBD causes irritation or damage to the liver. Alternatively, it could be an artificial finding in which the drug interferes with the way the lab measures the liver value.

Anecdotal reports do exist of dogs becoming somewhat sleepy or sedate if they receive extremely large doses of CBD, but those effects appear to resolve on their own with time.

CBD doesn’t appear to have any drug interactions when it’s given to a dog that’s on an anti-inflammatory drug like Rimadyl.

Because there is a theoretical risk of drug interaction, as with any medication, you should consult your veterinarian first before treating your dog with CBD.

THC Dangers for Dogs
Unlike CBD, THC ingestion can cause serious problems for your pet.

“The most significant [issue] is THC toxicity, meaning, essentially, they are high,” says Dr. Gary Richter, owner and medical director of Montclair Veterinary Hospital in Oakland, California. “Depending on how significantly a pet has been overdosed, the effects of that can be quite long-lasting, even days.”

During these episodes, a pet may not be able to stand or eat. If you suspect THC toxicity, take your pet to the veterinarian immediately. Secondary effects of THC, especially respiratory depression, should be monitored closely to avoid complications.

Overall, life-threatening risks for dogs from cannabis are “exceedingly rare,” Dr. Richter says. There is no documented lethal dose for THC in dogs. In fact, a dose of THC 1,000 times greater than the dose needed for a dog to feel “high” is still not lethal.

THC toxicity more often occurs when a pet has eaten a product that also contains chocolate, coffee, or raisins. “Even if the THC toxicity is not excessive, they can sometimes have problems due to these other ingredients,” says Dr. Richter.

How Much CBD Can You Give Dogs?
Though there are some topical treatments, CBD oil is typically administered orally to dogs, and giving the correct dosage is imperative. “As is the case with any medication, success has everything to do with dosing,” Dr. Richter says.

Studies on using CBD for dogs with arthritis or seizures generally use a dose between 2-8 mg/kg, with most papers erring on the lower side of that estimate (roughly 1-2 milligrams per pound of body weight), twice daily.

This dosage has been found to be both safe and somewhat effective for just the conditions studied (arthritis and seizures). Additional research is needed to evaluate the necessary dosages for CBD in treating other conditions.

One complication in attempting to properly dose dogs with CBD is that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has found that many CBD products actually contain little, if any, CBD.

The only FDA-approved cannabinoid product, Epidiolex, could theoretically be prescribed by a veterinarian for epilepsy in dogs, although this would likely be cost-prohibitive. Because it is FDA-approved, though, the CBD content of this product would be accurate, unlike most other CBD products on the market.

Can Veterinarians Prescribe CBD for Dogs?
U.S. veterinarians are forbidden from prescribing/dispensing CBD, and cannot encourage or instruct clients to purchase CBD products.

However, they are free to talk to you about the potential risks and benefits of a treatment plan you may have devised on your own. If you are considering giving CBD to your dog, speak to your vet, and you may want to also speak with a veterinarian who has experience with CBD.

Featured Image: Victoria43/Shutterstock

Head shaking? Rubbing on the wall….

It’s a simple sign that can go unnoticed yet is a cry from our babies that they need help. from our friends at PetMed great article.

By Jennifer Coates, DVM

Some dog behaviors are normal as long as they are infrequent, but become a problem when you begin to see them with some regularity. Head shaking falls into this category. So, when should you start to worry about your pet’s head shaking?

Why Do Dogs Shake Their Heads?

First, it’s important to understand why dogs shake their heads. Head shaking is a brilliant way for dogs to get something out of their ears that shouldn’t be there. The forces generated by a vigorous shake are impressive, as anyone who has been whacked by a dog’s flailing ear can tell you. When dogs feel itchiness or irritation in their ears, they instinctively shake their heads. While this can solve the problem if the dog has some water, a piece of grass, or an insect in his ear, continued head shaking indicates that the irritation is ongoing and needs to be addressed.

If your dog is shaking his head repeatedly and the behavior does not stop over the course of a day or so, it’s time to make an appointment with your veterinarian.

Bacterial and Yeast Infections in the Ear

The most frequently diagnosed health problem that causes excessive head shaking dogs is an ear infection. Ear infections tend to be itchy and produce a lot of discharge and inflammation, all of which make dogs want to shake their heads. If you lift up the flap of your dog’s ear(s) and see redness, swelling, or discharge, an infection is likely. Ear mite infestations can cause similar symptoms, but they are not as common as yeast or bacterial infections in dogs (particularly adult dogs).

Keep in mind that infections may occur deep within a dog’s ear, so an infection may be present even if you don’t see obvious signs of one.

Itchiness in the Ear Due to Allergies

Allergies are another common problem that leads to head shaking in dogs. Individuals can be allergic to ingredients in their food or triggers in their environment (pollen, mold spores, dust or storage mites, etc.). Symptoms of allergies in dogs typically include some combination of itchy skinhair loss, recurrent skin and ear infections, scratching at the ears, head shaking, chewing on the feet, and rubbing at the face.

Diagnosing a food allergy involves putting a dog on a diet that contains a single carbohydrate (e.g., rice or potato) and single source of protein that has never been fed to the dog before (e.g., duck or venison) or that has been hydrolyzed (broken down into tiny, non-allergenic pieces). The dog must eat only this food for a month or two. If the symptoms disappear or at least significantly improve, a food allergy is likely.

Environmental allergies are best diagnosed through intradermal skin testing, but blood testing is a reasonable option for some dogs.

Water in the Ears

Head shaking that occurs because of water getting into the ears is easily prevented by placing cotton balls (or half a cotton ball for small breeds) in the dog’s ears prior to bathing or swimming. Avoid spraying or dumping water directly on your dog’s head during a bath. Instead, bathe his body from the neck down and wipe down his face and ears with a damp washcloth. If your dog won’t stand for cotton balls in his ears while swimming, consider using an ear band or cleaning his ears with a drying solution post-swim. Your veterinarian can recommend a safe and effective product based on your dog’s particular needs.

Serious Conditions Related to Head Shaking

Other health conditions that can make dogs excessively shake their heads include foreign objects that become lodged in the ear canal, inflammatory diseases, or even neurologic disorders causing head tremorsthat are easily confused with head shaking.

If your dog has recurrent ear infections, you and your veterinarian need to go on a search for an underlying cause, such as allergies, anatomical abnormalities, or hypothyroidism.

Diagnosing and treating the reason behind a dog’s head shaking is important not only because it is a symptom of a potentially serious problem but also because continued or especially vigorous headshaking can lead to ruptured blood vessels within a dog’s ear flap. The aural hematomas that result often require surgery to repair, which is why, whenever possible, we should be preventing excessive head shaking and not just treating it when it develops.