Category: Blog

Information and stories related to all types of animals.

Feeling guilty

I’ve been wanting to post Rudy’s adventures but I feel guilty because I didn’t do that with the other dogs.

I’m going to post some Rudy adventures but i didn’t talk during the video so I’ll add text.

Saying goodbye to Coco

It’s been 3 weeks now since we said our earthly goodbye to Coco. She was the last of the original pack. Coco was 16 years old. She came to us through our pool man who had a client who locked her in the garage at 4 mo.

She was the main dog, always who we looked for approval, she accompanied us to 5 euthanasia. It was my firm belief that you can’t leave home and come without a dog. She was the messenger to help the others understand. It was hard to put that on her but she did it. She had only a few teeth and pancreas trouble when she left us. I was so afraid she was going to bark and fuss. Had we gone to the vets she would have been terrified. We opted for in home. She laid on her love seat, quietly. When the dr came in she let out some barks, walked down her ramp to smell the dr’s equipment and laid down on the floor. It was beautiful and I was so relieved. She laid there and allowed her dad to pick her up

and move her. She was so at rest understanding what was about to happen and she was ready. Rudy wasn’t sure what was happening and as he began to understand he hated what was happening but he was with her.

She went so beautiful and it was all that I could have wished and prayed for. God heard and answers my prayers.

My darling we will re-unite again. You are everywhere with us in thought and hearts.

Dogs smell time

Did you know this? I’ve always heard dogs don’t know time but they know when dinner time, walk time etc is but how?

This makes perfect sense. Animals are amazing and that includes telling time. Google the many articles or check this one out from Dogs tell time

Coco – New treat CBD

CBD is something I use in a salve or liquid form but it has taken me literally years to use on any regular consistency.  In the last year I have experienced relief from the pain of MS  and the relief it brings.  My husband and I even use a Cannibus  masseuse which get’s into your muscles and wow. (see friends of for her information local to Orange County and Los Angeles)

She introduced me to CBD dog biscuits.  I’ve known others who gave their dogs pot, in bu form but I always worried how it affected the dog.  With biscuits I can break it in half or give it to her whole.

A little about Coco, she is 16 years old this month (July).  She is a dapple Dachshund.   Rescued in October of 2004.  She was 4 mo old, our first puppy in our dog house.   At that time we had my German Shepherd mix Bailey and our Boxer  Max(ine), a brindle.  She had them on the run!  She being  Dachshund she was bossy, cute and just the best.  She currently has Pancriatis.  I’ve written about the dieseaseo before.  As long as you stay on top of it the dog can be fine.  Anyway, back to  the CBD being a Dachshund, she has a long back, lots of arthritis and pain on a daily basis.  However, has become more of the dog we know, playing, not so sluggish and we are thrilled.

Please if your pup or cat has pain get the treats, give them a try.  They have discounts to get you started.



Rudy and Henry

An old friend moved back to California from Seattle and last night brought pup – Henry over. The two are same height, both super fast and ran through the house, the back and fenced front yard until they were almost passed out!! I loved it!

Rudy has not met another dog he hasn’t liked but no one has given him such an equal energy level.

I think there will be more play dates in the future.

Rudy Rudy Rudy

He is so awesome. His personality is showing more as he gets a little older and adjusts to new things.

Angel has taken him in the car and is getting better but still nervous.

He is super cute and greets everyone even though there is a hesitation. He won’t eat his dinner unless coco is there to eat also. Coco likes eating in bed. She is old and likes to be pampered. Every day we are thankful for another day. 16


She really lets Rudy know his boundaries and he respects her. So awesome.

Swallowed medication

In case of emergency call your veterinarian or animal hospital.  

Now onto our story.

With Rudy, he is like no other dog we have had. But, It’s awesome because he has something from all of are past dogs. So, the other night I’m taking my meds and he is watching. He is so curious and watches every thing I do. That being said, he was on the bed and I was taking one of my meds at night and had it on the night stand, he grabbed it!

This was not, hey lets play a fun game of chase, although in his mind it was keep away. Oh no, so I got him but the pill was gone. I called the vet., and my nephew was here and he grabbed Rudy. We thought it best to force him to throw up. Vet on the phone.

Kids this was emotionally difficult because I was afraid but getting him to hold still and put peroxide down him was a challenge. At first, he was okay with things until he tasted it. Oh, my dog!! But, we did it and sighs of relief from all three of us when he threw up. Whew.

If you every, and heaven forbid you need to make your furry friend vomit, its simple. For dogs, FIRST Call your vet. Different circumstances and time can effect the way a situation is handled. It’s generally, one teaspoon 3 % Hydrogen Peroxide per 10 pounds.

He is doing fine, no signs of anything but everyday he finds something to put in his mouth. Our house is minimalist and I thought, baby and puppy safe. Wow, was I wrong.

Here are a couple of links explaining the process.

Wishing you good health and lots of tail-wagging fun.


Rudy is getting adjusted as are we. Yesterday was his first doctor visit. All was going well until he had his temperature taken then … wow happened. High pitch screams and yelling. After that any treat was simply accepted as an I’m sorry bribe from the doctor. A new dog appeared growling, mean looks, protective of himself. We took Coco who had a yearly exam first to show him it’s not horrible. Whether it is a child or a fur baby, those trips to the doctor we never out grow.